
Creat Energy Management Co., Ltd. Took Over Hua Dian Yi He

日期:2017-11-28     來源:

Recently, Beijing Creat Energy Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Creat Energy"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Creative Distribution Automation Co.,Ltd, took over Beijing Hua Dian Yi He Power Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hua Dian Yi He"). The equity transfer signing ceremony took place in the headquarter of Creative Distribution Automation Co.,Ltd. After the acquisition, Creat Energy holds 100% equity of Hua Dian Yi He.

The acquisition aimed to expand the scope of business in the field of electrical engineering installation and improve construction qualification of Creat Energy. Upon completion of the acquisition, the power transmission and transformation engineering contracting and license for installation of power facilities and other qualifications owned by Hua Dian Yi He can effectively supplement the qualification of Creat Energy in power engineering and installation, which not only expands the scope of Creat Energy, but also will be conducive to promoting the development of new businesses such as the comprehensive management of smart energy and power property services. 
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