
Oil-immersed Distribution Transformer Overhead Fault indicator Automatic circuit recloser Indoor switchgear Cable accessories

Cold Shrinkable Accessories

Creat’s cold shrink cable accessories are manufactured with advanced liquid silicon rubber, which has high resilience and strength, good electrical insulation, is UV stable and adverse to water.

The cold shrink cable terminations and joints apply for 10kV to 40.5kV (12kV, 15kV, 20kV, 36kV, 40.5kV).

Most of the cable accessories have passed type test in quality inspection and test center for equipment of electric power in China.

The simple installation of cold shrink cable accessories can help you save time and labor force. It improves work efficiency, makes the cables connection safe and reliable, assures every connection correctly sealed and insulated for long protection. The cold shrink MV terminations and joints are widely applied in power plant, wind farm, substations, city subway, etc.



